Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mudville - Nebraska Edition

So, it turns out us Dunsmores make a mean mud pit.  No matter where we are...we can somehow add water to dirt and make magic. 

It seems to be our thing.

And like the saying goes, once I build it...they will come.  And they do.  My boys and their friends spend hours in these things. 

You remember the original Mudville, don't you? 

I think there is nothing better than letting my boys soak their little toes entire bodies in a little mud.

Clean up can be a bit challenging, but in the's worth it.

Good times are had, friendships are sealed, and...

it makes naptime come all the more quickly (which is what it is all about anyway).


  1. Love the naked napping picture. Classic!

  2. Love it! Just want to pinch those cute little muddy bums :)
