Sunday, June 16, 2013

my little animals in the zoo

On our first trip to Omaha, when we were trying to decide if this would indeed be home, we made a stop at the zoo.  I'm not saying it was the only thing that totally sold us on the town...but it sure did help.  The boys and I have had a love affair with it ever since.  
 We loved our zoo back in Waco, but this one takes the prize.  We haven't been able to cover every exhibit on one visit, which only means we are repeat offenders.  There is a newly remodeled aquarium that is ahhmazing.  
There is a working train, some ski-lift type thing that gives you the bird's eye view of baby rhinos and giraffes, a carousel, a petting zoo, and an IMAX.  About a year ago I took Roanin to the IMAX on a special date, and we saw a movie about chimps.  He was thrilled.  The film was 3D, his first ever, and about 20 minutes in I looked over at him and with the most gigantic smile possible, he had his little right hand out in front of him trying to touch the monkeys.  It was kinda the cutest thing ever.
The boys ask me if they can get this type of glass ceiling in their room every time we come.  My answer is always the same: maybe.
Chasing/harassing the peacocks is actually not part of what the zoo had in mind as an activity, but I like to think of my boys as innovators who think outside the box.
The last time we went it was unusually cold for a spring day, and so desperate times called for desperate measures and I had to hijack a spare pair of the boys' gloves that were in the bottom of our stroller.  Just keepin' it classy.
The cat complex is pretty intense, especially when you see them consuming raw meat (incidentally...this made me kind of sad.  this poor girl probably wants to run and chase something and actually kill it instead of licking ground beef off the floor, but my guess is mauling doesn't really sell memberships so we'll take what we can get.) and has been super fun this spring because one of the mommas recently had 5 cubs.
They were so cute I contemplated asking a staff member if I could switch two of the cubs for my two boys.  I figured the damage to the house would end up being about the same.
This zoo is providing such good memories for us.  I feel so lucky to be here.  Just one more reason I love me some Omaha.

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